creative agency san francisco

Influencers, Brand Ambassadors and Raving Fans – and Why You Need All Three

For marketers, influencers, brand ambassadors, and raving fans can create a significant differentiator between your brand and its competitors because they tend to communicate…

brand agency san francisco

Marketing as a Revenue Generator and Catalyst for Change

Marketing is a change catalyst, calling customers to change and jump on, and it also helps the organization transform through effective communication. Within the organization,…

social media for consulting firms

Building A Diverse And Equitable Business: The Role Of Marketing

Jesse Jackson once said, “Inclusion is not a matter of political correctness. It is the key to growth.” This is more evident now than ever before. There is no question for me that prioritizing…

san francisco marketing consulting

B2B Marketing: What We Can Do To Help Save The Planet

As B2B marketing leaders, we have a lot riding on our shoulders: Listening to customer needs, accelerating business growth, driving product innovation and, now, driving social and environmental…

branding agency san francisco

Early-Stage Marketing: A Five-Point Leadership Framework

It is estimated that over a million tech startups are formed every year globally. And, according to an article on TechCrunch, about 60% of startups don’t make it to Series A and even less make it to…

content marketing service for saas

Thriving In B2B SaaS Through Account-Based Marketing With Leela Gill

SEO and other full-funnel strategies may get you the most leads, but a more targeted approach in marketing is needed if you’re looking to catch the big fish. When it comes to targeted approaches,…

Priorities for Marketing Leaders | Alta Mira Marketing

6 Priorities for Marketing Leaders to Help Drive Business Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest business challenge of a generation. Organizations scramble to establish continuity. We’re redefining “essential” and building the capacity for remote work,…

B2B marketing consulting startups

Four Remote Work Best Practices To Build A High-Performance Culture

Leela Gill is a thought leader and VP of Marketing for Intelligence Node, with 15+ years of experience in Retail, FinTech and HR Tech. Working from home is the “new normal,” and remote…

sales and marketing startups

Three Marketing Pillars For Crisis Recovery

As with any crisis, we all have roles to play in responding to the impacts caused by COVID-19. So, how can marketers lead our colleagues in business continuity and planning for recovery? Our…